The film centers around “Song for The Fighters,” which was found at the sonic archive of the Popular Art Center, Palestine. Through the layers of the song, in a labyrinth of sounds and sites, the film conjures history as a permanent present tense, a collective and imaginative act.
The film was shot in ancient sites in Palestine — caves, carved holes, underground passages, and wild valleys — the land becomes our main character. It traverses beyond the first layer of visibility to reveal a vast, hidden world similar to the one we know. Throughout the film, scenes intertwine rituals and narratives of community and resistance into everyday representations of social life in Palestine, thus emphasizing the role of collective rhythmic movement and the potential impact that shared feelings can evoke in creating and sustaining a community.
A Night We Held Between is produced with the support of the Han Nefkens Foundation—Fundació Antoni Tàpies Video Art Production Grant 2022.
Noor Abed (b.1988) is a Palestinian artist who works at the intersection of performance and film. Abed attended the Whitney Independent Study Program in Νew York in 2015–16, and the Home Workspace Program (HWP) at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut 2016–17. Abed’s work has been screened and exhibited internationally at Anthology Film Archives, New York; Gabes Cinema Fen Film Festival, Tunisia; Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Lagos Biennale; Leonard & Bina Gallery, Montréal; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; The Mosaic Rooms, London; and MAXXI – National Museum of 21st Century Art, Rome, among others. In 2020, together with Lara Khaldi she co-founded the School of Intrusions, an independent educational collective in Ramallah, Palestine. Abed was an assistant curator for documenta fifteen, Kassel 2021–22. She is currently an artist in residence at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam 2022–24 and was recently awarded the Han Nefkens Foundation/Fundació Antoni Tàpies Video Art Production Grant 2022.
A talk with the artist following a screening of her trilogy of films will take place on Saturday, 9 November 2024 at 2:00pm. More details HERE.